
The green mission of Crosstown Rebels
All of us have seen the devastating impact of human action on this planet. As an event industry we have reached the point of no return. We are creating an imminent effect on this planet with any event we organise. It is time to do the necessary. It is time to avoid our experience having a negative impact. We must take an active stand to inform and inspire our crowd.
In the sections below you can discover the initiatives we have been implementing since 2018 to turn Day Zero into a sustainable event - and what you can do when you join us.
Since the implementation of our sustainability team in 2018 and Crosstown Consciousness in 2020, we have been working in both Day Zero locations: Tulum, Mexico and Masada, Israel. Both locations are extraordinary.

In TULUM we focus on the preservation of the jungle, collaboration with local sustainability initiatives, waste control and minimisation, onsite recycling plus tracking of the full recycling process and post-production restoration. From 2022 onwards we are teaming up with Petgas to transform plastic into fuel. We will start to use this fuel for our generators.

In MASADA we are implementing a full team that works all year on improving the options in Israel to minimise single-use plastic, guarantee recycling, involve and inspire the crowd and team up with foundations in order to preserve the Dead Sea.
Join the team! Sustainable solutions are always welcome at Crosstown Consciousness.
Sign up as a Volunteer today to join forces with the Crosstown Consciousness team and perhaps you will be implementing sustainability at our events around the world.